Zakat along with other Five Pillars is one of the Islamic doctrines. It is a mandatory monetary charity for Muslims, that is designed for supporting those who are less fortunate. Therefore, the simple question remains, who is eligible for zakat? It is a challenging question for the Muslims facing to donate Zakat and perhaps for those in order to receive Shaqaqah and/or other financial assistance.
This is a question that is of interest to the one who intends to give zakat and at the same time to those who are satisfied that they are zakat deserving.
1. What is Zakat?
Zakat that is also known as almsgiving and charity is a necessary practice for Muslims. Registered, earn money, etc. and help to give zakat. As the government gives part of your income in the form of taxes, zakat in the Islamic society is the part of the income that one has to pay as zakat. Zakat does not corrupt the social tax infrastructure, in that, before being distributed further, it is disbursed to the destitute, orphans orphans and others enduring hardships.
Zakat Calculator
A lot of people find out the exact sum through the zakat calculator. Such a smart tool uses the assets in which you have the nisab and calculates the appropriate amount to be paid.
2. Who is Eligible for Zakat According to the Quran?
Zakat is a type of charity that is obligated by the Islamic law and the Quran mentions the person to whom it should be given. Generally, zakat is set aside for people who are unable to fulfill their basic needs and need financial help.
Who is Eligible for Zakat in the Quran?
In Surah At-Tawbah (9:60) The Quran has made it clear that the zakat should be apportioned among the eight groups of recipients and the details will be provided later in this article.
3. The 8 Categories of Zakat Recipients in the Quran
Zakat emphasized to the people of Islam in the Quran in eight ways. The categories are in the Surah At-Tawbah (9:60). Those eight are:
- The Poor (Fuqara) – Those having no provision of a minimum living standard
- The Needy (Masakin) – People with an income that cannot cover the required minimal living costs, but they do not express it openly to others.
- Zakat Collectors – Devoted individuals who are assigned the authority to distribute and collect zakat
- New Muslims (Muallaf) – Cryptocurrency enthusiasts that were recently converted to Islam and might be financially assisted.
- Slaves and Captives – Those who are imprisoned and/or enslaved and mostly need to be financed for their freedom.
- Those in Debt (Gharimin) – Debtors who are unable to return the loan and therefore have insufficient money.
- For the Cause of Allah (Fi Sabilillah) – I am laboring under a moral obligation throughout my non-secular or non-secular educational carrier as a teacher of Islamic studies or a helper of Islam.
- The Wayfarer (Ibn as-Sabil) – Visitors who are stuck and need a helping hand so they can continue their journey.
4. Who is Eligible for Zakat in the Hanafi School of Thought?
According to Hanafi doctrine, the principles of zakat in regard to the recipients’ certain condition are the same as in the general Islamic corpus (Quran and Hadith). However, the difference in interpretations is noticeable.
One of Hanafis’ points of view is that only those Muslims who are facing a financial crisis are eligible to get the zakat. Besides, they make it plain that non-Muslims are not to be the recipients of zakat even if they are in real need, yet there are exceptions to the provision of zakat to new Muslims (Muallaf) where its objective is to consolidate their faith.
5. Who is Not Eligible for Zakat?
Whereas zakat is one of Islam’s Five Arkan and is aimed for help to the less well-off ones, it is stated clearly in the Holy Texts, however, that the community of the poor is forever a scholarship. Many times, the haves employ zakat to get rid of the have nots. And even though Islam forbids that, some wealthy Muslims are working hard to find creative ways to avoid application of the ancient religious recommendation of giving a fraction of their wealth, every year, to the needy. Consequently, such people often fleet from sight and become very difficult to find. Therefore, those individuals are to be considered the new people clothed in disguise. Islam clearly warns the callous person of the society that a time will come when he will find himself in the beggar’s shoes.
- Wealthy Class – That is, we are talking about those who have wealth above the nisab threshold as mandated, and to whom zakat is not due
- A close relative – Among those categories, first and foremost, parents, siblings, and spouses are in the list and they are not allowed to receive any zakat money from you; You are already responsible for their financial support in your conjugal life. Therefore, if the husband persists in his obligations to the family, the wife will not need help and hence is not entitled to receive zakat.
- Non-Muslims – Speaking generally, zakat is an Islamic religious duty that is especially designed for Muslims. That is the rule, but sometimes there are exceptions, like when you give to new Muslims (Muallaf) as the community is helping them to get settled as truthful followers of the religion.
- No-Need People – Those who are blessed with a job and earn a sufficient salary to afford their needs are not on the list of zakat-those are reach people as well.
6. Nisab of Zakat and Zakat Calculators
The nisab of zakat means the lowest amount of money that a rich person can have before he/she will be forced to pay zakat. However, the nisab is evaluated with a focus on gold and silver price that slightly differs according to market trends.
- Nisab of Gold: 87.5 grams (equivalent to 3 ounces).
- Nisab of Silver: 612.36 grams (equivalent to 21 ounces).
If your wealth is more than the nisab limit, you are needed to pay zakat. A zakat calculator can aid in the discovery of the zakat you must give according to your properties.
7. Who is Eligible for Zakat al-Fitr?
Zakat al-Fitr or Fitrana besides being a regular type of zakat is like a tax that should be paid by every Muslim before Eid al-Fitr. By it, the fast is just and those who need food are assisted as a part of that festival. Zakat al-Fitr is a specific amount per person (usually a few kilograms of a staple food like wheat, dates, or barley) which is commonly distributed to the poor and destitute.
While ordinary zakat may only be contributed to Muslims, Zakat al-Fitr can be given to both Muslim and non-Muslim beneficiaries, as it secures the destitute an opportunity to celebrate the conclusion of Ramadan as well.
8. Zakat and Charitable Organizations: AS-SIRAJ Charity in the UK
AS-SIRAJ in Britain is a top charity that attracts many Muslim donors as it helps them to fulfill their zakat duties. This organization stands as a venue for zakat donations and is the one that verifies whether or not the funds go to the recipients in need.
Through the cooperation, of AS-SIRAJ, with the localities and the international bodies, the charity funds are distributed to various types of suffered individuals and the eight classes in quran of vulnerable people are assisted among them the poor, needy, orphans, etc.
In case you are looking for a legitimate beneficent organization to ensure that your zakat goes to the right people, AS-SIRAJ is a trusted person to deal with in this prospect.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Zakat Eligibility
1. What is zakat, and why is it important in Islam?
Zakat is legitimately the five pillars of Islam, a religious group and this is a required type of dedication that a Muslim is mandated to give if he or she meets the specific financial terms. The sole object of it is to clean wealth, lessen social disparity, and to be charitable to the needy. Zakat is a sacred duty that inspires Muslims to help the poor, orphans, and others who are in trouble.
2. Who is eligible to receive zakat?
Zakat is typically given to persons on the basis of their need, meeting the prescribed criteria. Without any doubt the Quran has defined eight main groups of zakat holders, who are the one that zakat has to be given to, as follows:
- The poor (Faquir)
- The needy (Maskeen)
- Zakat collectors
- New Muslims (Muallaf)
- Slaves or captives
- Those in debt (Gharimin)
- Those working in the cause of Allah (Fi Sabilillah)
- Travelers in need (Ibn as-Sabil)
If someone is in one of these categories, then they are a fit individual to get zakat.
3. Who is not eligible for zakat?
Zakat cannot be given to:
- Those who already possess wealth above the level of the nisab (the minimum amount of zakat that has to be paid).
- Your immediate family members, namely, your parents, children, or your spouse since you are already responsible for their maintenance.
- Non-Muslims, except in the cases of new Muslims who are being supported to gain strength.
4. What is the nisab of zakat?
Money or property which is the nisab is eighty-five grams of pure gold or more than one thousand and four hundred grams of pure silver.
- Gold-Based Nisab: 87.5 grams (3 ounces)
- Silver-Based Nisab: 612.36 grams (21 ounces) If your rich is surplus to the nisab, you are required to give zakat.
5. How do I calculate my zakat?
Zakat is the calculation of the total wealth of an individual, which includes cash, savings, business gains, investments, and precious items like gold and silver, and the liabilities are deducted to the extent of the total wealth. In case if the sum of your properties is more than the nisab threshold, you should pay 2.5% of that money as the zakat sum.
6. Who is the Only Qualifier of Zakat al-Fitr?
Zakat al-Fitr is a one-off charity that is paid at the end of Ramadan and before the Eid al-Fitr salat. It is incumbent on every Muslim and can be granted to any needy individual, whether he is Muslim or non-Muslim. The money equals usually fixed payment or the food of a person. It is mainly aimed at the one who fasted and the poor during the Eid.
7. Is It Possible to Make a Charity Organization The Zakat Holders?
Yes, that is the case you can donate zakat to a local charity like AS-SIRAJ that oversees the distribution of your zakat according to the Islamic law. These institutions are the ones responsible for seeing that the zakat is delivered to the right people, e. g. the poor, orphan, etc. who is mentioned in the Quran in chapter 9 the verse 60.
8. Is there an exact time to grow zakat?
The poor can be given money in any month while the period of Ramadan is the most popular. Besides, the rewards for alms during this month come multiple times. However, Zakat al-Fitr needs to be paid earlier the Eid al-Fitr prayer time.
9. Can zakat be offered as goods or services?
Yes, zakat can be given as money, food items, clothes or services, provided the needs of the recipient are met. This is the way of zakat al-Fitr that was the last time the food was given.
10. Should I or Should I not Pay Zakat if I am Not Having a Lot of Money?
Zakat is only compulsory for those individuals who meet the nisab threshold. If your wealth is less than the nisab or you don’t have the right amount of savings or assets, you don’t have to pay zakat money. However, even if you don’t have enough for zakat, you can still give voluntary charity (sadaqah) to help those in need.
11. Can I give zakat to my own family members?
You cannot give zakat to your immediate family members, such as parents, children, or spouse, as, in any event, you are already obliged to support them financially. However, you could give them voluntary charity (sadaqah) if needed.
12. What is the difference between zakat and sadaqah?
It is important to note that zakat is obligatory with certain rules while sadaqah has no such restrictions and it can be given at any time and in any amount. Sadaqah can be given to anyone in need, including family members, and there is no set percentage or formula for how much to give.
It is imperative to grasp the issue of those individuals who qualify for zakat from the perspective of not only performing the prescribed act of giving zakat but also in the way this zakat is distributed. Certainly, the Quran and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) throw light on the kind of people who qualify to receive zakat.
Once you use a zakat calculator you will get to know the amount of zakat you are bound to pay and by the nisab, you abide by the Islamic rules. Whether you’re following the Hanafi school of thought or other schools of thought, the principles remain consistent. It’s also important to ensure that zakat is not given to individuals who are not eligible, such as those with sufficient wealth or immediate family members.
AS-SIRAJ and organizations like it are always available to be of help to you in carrying out zakat and getting it to the rightful people.
May God accept your charity and help the ones who are in need and deserve it the most.